Sunday, February 8, 2009

One of my fondest memories of Jade

The picture below actually contains two of my favorite memories of Jade (or possibly two of my favorite things she does). First when the camera comes out she always strikes a pose. If she even sees the camera she wants us to take a picture. The second thing in this picture is her blanket "JuJu", Carolyn has written about Jade's "JuJu" over on her Blog... Every morning when I'm driving her to school she always asks about "JuJu" like she is asking if she can take it. It's really funny when I go to wash it and tell her that it needs a "bath" she gets all excited and then sad that she cannot have if for an hour or so. Lately I've had to sneak it into the wash or wash it by hand then place it in the dryer.

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